CPMC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides new critical items (but not limited to) include children's clothing of all sizes, lice shampoo, diapers, hygiene items, baby bottles, formula, temporary bedding, child safety items, snacks, juices, stuffed animals, etc. The items are stocked in the "Rainbow Room" which is located in the CPS offices in Conroe, TX. This provides the CPS Caseworkers full access to the items on a 24/7 basis.
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25 Years
in Service in
Rainbow Room of Montgomery County Celebrates 25 Years!
February 12, 2023 marked the 25th anniversary of Conroe’s Rainbow Room. The 501-(c)(3) non-profit organization behind this resource is the Community Partners of Montgomery County (CPMC), and they proudly touted “25 Years of Giving Children Hope through the Rainbow Room.” Conroe’s Rainbow Room has, for these many years, been providing services to children and adults under the supervision of Child Protective Service (CPS) and Adult Protective Service (APS) in Montgomery County. Established in 1998, the Rainbow Room was honored to have Laura Bush, then the First Lady of Texas, as the featured speaker for the grand opening.
The Rainbow Room Board is comprised of between eight and twelve dedicated volunteers. Some have been serving since the beginning. The Rainbow Room is located at the local CPS office in Conroe and is stocked with new, critical need items for children, such as: toiletries, clothing, backpacks, snacks, shoes, diapers, as well as comfort toys like stuffed animals and books. The Board members take turns maintaining the room two to three days a week making sure provisions are in place and ready for the CPS Caseworkers to use as needed in support of the children under their care. CPMC relies on donations from the public, as well as the support of local organizations such as the Junior League of The Woodlands and most recently, Isaiah 1 17 House.
In 2015, CPMC embraced an initiative to help alleviate a growing trend and prevent suffocation resulting from babies and very young children having to share a bed with an adult or older sibling. The goal is to provide a separate bed for every child in need of one. Since its inception, the Rainbow Room and its volunteers have provided new beds and bedding for well over 500 children!
For more information on the Rainbow Room, and to find out ways you can assist in helping to maintain these services for the abused and/or neglected children and adults in Montgomery County, please visit the CPMC website at www.cpmckids.org, or email the Board of Directors at info@cpmckids.org. or call Board President, Bill Walton at (281) 914-9841.
A list of some of the ongoing needs of the Rainbow Room includes clothing for infants through 17-year-old teens, diapers, baby food, hygiene items, shoes, blankets, child safety items such as car seats, safety gates, child-proofing kits, temporary bedding, etc., snacks, juice boxes, books, stuffed animals, and anything that might comfort a child who has experienced trauma and upheaval.
"There are 2 important days in your life: the day you are born and the day you find out why." ~Mark Twain